Why Join?

Why Join

CPPR is an active forum for fundamental pharmaceutical processing research that benefits many companies.  Member companies of the CPPR have the opportunity to influence the direction of the research that can augment their own internal initiatives and are the first to learn the outcomes of each project.

Because of its size and organization CPPR is nimble in responding to the needs of the industry.  Faculty can quickly respond to new areas of challenge expressed by company members. Those ideas can rapidly be fashioned into fundable proposals, without the need for generating a new research contract.

Any patentable inventions developed during the project are available royalty-free to the CPPR member companies as described in detail in the sponsorship contract.  The most widely used CPPR-funded invention to date was developed at UConn. SMART Freeze-Drying Technology enables novices to develop efficient processing cycles to stabilize injectable medications, shortening the drug development process and bring needed medicines to patients more quickly.

Representatives of the CPPR member companies can leverage the scientific depth of an academic environment at least twice yearly at face-to-face meetings.  They also can closely follow projects of interest through periodic web meetings so that project deliverables can be rapidly internalized within the member’s organization.

Biannual scientific meetings of the CPPR are short 1 ½ day conferences dedicated pharmaceutical processing topics spanning small and large molecules, providing company scientists the benefit of focused updates on the latest research in this area.  These meetings include e top processing research scientists from academia and industry.

CPPR is a great way to directly interact with top graduate students from programs emphasizing pharmaceutical processing research that are integrated closely with key needs of the pharmaceutical industry.  When openings need to be filled in members’ companies, CPPR representatives often recruit graduates from CPPR schools because they have come to know them over several years and have specific experience in approaching relevant industrial research problems.

To Join

For information on joining the Dane O. Kildsig Center for Pharmaceutical Processing Research (CPPR), please contact:

Robin Bogner, PhD, Center Director and UConn Site Director   cppr@uconn.edu

Xiuling Lu, PhD, Associate Center Director   xiuling.lu@uconn.edu

Raj G. Suryanarayanan, PhD, University of Minnesota Site Director surya001@umn.edu

Eric J. Munson, PhD, Purdue University Site Director munsone@purdue.edu

Joseph Bloom, PhD, University of Puerto Rico, Site Director joseph.bloom@upr.edu