CPPR Faculty Raman Bahal Becomes Senior Member of the National Academy of Inventors

Professor Raman Bahal from University of Connecticut was named Senior Member of the National Academy of Inventors (NAI).  He and colleague, Professor Diane Burgess, who was elected as Fellow of NAI, were recognized at the Annual Conference in North Carolina in June.  Read more at https://today.uconn.edu/2024/03/raman-bahal-announced-as-nai-senior-member/#:~:text=Raman%20Bahal%2C%20Associate%20Professor%20of%20Pharmaceutics%2C%20has%20been,2024%20National%20Academy%20of%20Inventors%20%28NAI%29%20Senior%20Member


Special Issue of Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences to be Dedicated to CPPR Faculty, Lynne S. Taylor

Professor Lynne Taylor of Purdue University will be honored by researchers, colleagues, and former students in a special issue of Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (JPS) dedicated to her.  Dr. Taylor joins CPPR faculty, Prof. Raj Suryanarayanan, Prof. Michael Pikal, Prof. David W. Grant, and Prof. Stephen Byrn, who also have special issues dedicated to them in the JPS collection — Giants of Pharmaceutical Sciences. Read more at https://www.jpharmsci.org/article/S0022-3549(23)00483-5/fulltext.

Steve Nail Emerging Researcher Award

CPPR Student, Zixuan Zhen, from the lab of Professor Xiuling Lu was named the Steve Nail Emerging Researcher at the CPPR Scientific Conference held at University of Connecticut in May 2024.  Lindsay Wegiel from Eli Lilly presented Zixuan with the award.

CPPR faculty Prof Tony Zhou is invited to serve as an Associate Editor

CPPR faculty Prof Tony Zhou is invited to serve as an Associate Editor at Frontiers in Pharmacology (IF 5.6) and Early Career Advisory Board Member at ACS Infectious Diseases (IF 5.3).  Frontiers in Pharmacology is an interdisciplinary journal that publishes research on the interactions between drugs and living beings to prevent and cure human disease.  ACS Infectious Diseases is the first journal to highlight chemistry and its role in the multidisciplinary and collaborative field of infectious disease research.  

UConn CPPR Student wins IPEC Foundation Award

Ling Zhu, graduate student in Robin Bogner’s lab at UConn, was recognized for his research on pharmaceutical excipients by the International Pharmaceutical Excipients Council Foundation.  Ling joins a long list of CPPR students who have won this prestigious award, including Dana Moseson (Purdue University), Andre Beringhs (UConn), Tingting Li (UConn), and Jayesh Sonje (University of Minnesota).