Author: Nault, Joanne

Jayesh Sonje, CPPR Student, poster selected among top 25 at 2019 Gordon Research Conference

Jayesh Sonje, a graduate student at the University of Minnesota in Dr. Raj Suryanarayanan’s lab, was selected among 25 posters  for the poster ‘Influence of excipients on physical form of mannitol in frozen and freeze-dried formulations’ at the poster session conducted at 2019 Preclinical Form and Formulation for Drug Discovery, Gordon Research Conference, New Hampshire.

CPPR Webinars Added to CPPR Webpage

Three webinars delivered by esteemed CPPR faculty are available again for your viewing at

“Drug Solubility and Solubilization-Impact of Solid-State Properties and Solution Phase Phenomena,” by Dr. Rodolfo Pinal-Purdue University

“Advances in Freeze-drying: Controlled Ice Nucleation,” by Dr. Michael Pikal-University of Connecticut

“Stabilization of Amorphous Phases,” by Dr. Raj Suryananrayanan-University of Minnesota




The next meeting of the Dane Kildsig Center for Pharmaceutical Processing Research (CPPR) will be held on October 21-23, 2019 at the University of Minnesota.  The deadline for proposals is September 13, 2019.  Please contact your Site Director if you plan to submit a proposal.  Interested scientists and engineers from non-member companies who would like to request an invitation to the meeting should contact

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CPPR Student, Shipra Malik, awarded at the AAPS-NERDG meeting for her outstanding presentation

Shipra Malik, graduate student in Dr. Raman Bahal’s lab presented her research on “Next generation targeting of oncomiRs using phosphorothioates in conjunction with nanotechnology” at the AAPS NorthEast Regional Discussion Group meeting in Farmington, CT on April 11, 2019.  For her outstanding presentation, Shipra was awarded the top Academic Research Award at the conference.

Koyel Sen, CPPR Student, awarded for best poster at AIChE Annual Meeting

Ms. Koyel Sen, student of Dr. Bodhi Chaudhuri (UConn), won the highly competitive Best Poster Award at the Particle Technology Forum Poster Session, a part of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) annual meeting held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in October, 2019.

Lauren Fontana, CPPR Student from UConn, Awarded for Best Poster at the International Society of Lyophilization – Freeze Drying

At the Annual Meeting of the Midwest Chapter of the International Society of Lyophilization – Freeze Drying (ISLFD) on April 11, 2019, Lauren Fontana won top honors for her poster, “Raman Spectral Changes in Lyophilized Proteins for Screening Formulation Stability Rank Order”.  Lauren, a doctoral student of Prof. Robin Bogner, was also selected to present a talk at the meeting on her CPPR project results.

Distinguished Professor Diane J. Burgess and CPPR student, Tingting Li contribute to formulation to treat mouth ulcers

In collaboration with a pharmaceutical company, CPPR faculty Diane Burgess and her CPPR student, Tingting Li, along with UCHC Dentisty faculty, Dr. Rajesh Lalla, have developed a formulation containing a local anesthetic and medium chain fatty acid for treatment of oral mucositis.  The formulation is sprayed as a liquid and gels on contact to provide local, sustained relief of mouth ulcers resulting from cancer treatments.  Read more.