Author: Nault, Joanne

Two CPPR Students Win AAPS PharmSci360 Best Abstract Awards

Shipra Malik and Akshay Narula from University of Connecticut were recognized at the AAPS PharmSci360 meeting for their abstracts – Nanoparticle Delivered Short Anti-miR PNAs for Lymphoma Therapy; and Elucidating the Mechanism and Impact of Amorphous Drug Aggregates on the Permeability of Poorly Soluble Drugs.  Congratulations to Shipra and her advisor, CPPR Faculty, Dr. Raman Bahal, and to Akshay and his advisor, CPPR Faculty, Dr. Na Li. 


CPPR Student, Jayesh Sonje, Awarded for Excipient Research by IPEC

Jayesh Sonje from the lab of Professor Raj Suryanarayanan at University of Minnesota, was recognized by the International Pharmaceutical Excipients Council Foundation for his significant contributions to the field of excipients research. Jayesh joins a long list of CPPR faculty and students who have received prestigious awards from IPEC Foundation. 

CPPR Faculty, Dr. Na Li, wins the Patrick DeLuca Emerging Researcher Award

The Foundation of the International Pharmaceutical Excipients Council (IPEC) selected CPPR Faculty, Dr. Na Li, UConnPharmacy, as the 2021 Patrick DeLuca Emerging Researcher.  This award celebrates early career scientists with a demonstrated interest in and dedication to the area of excipients.  Dr. Li will present her winning research proposal at the IPEC Awards ceremony on October 17, 2021. 

CPPR Faculty, Raman Bahal, Recognized as a Rising Star by NIPTE

The National Institute for Pharmaceutical Technology & Education (NIPTE) named Dr. Raman Bahal of University of Connecticut as this year’s Rising Star.  The Rising Star Scholarship is awarded to early career investigators for outstanding scientific achievements in pharmaceutical science and technology.  Dr. Bahal joins another CPPR faculty member, Dr. Tony Zhou of Purdue University, in the expanding group of CPPR faculty winners of this distinguished award.

CPPR Faculty, Professor Raj Suryanarayanan (Sury), named the 2021 Michael J. Pikal NIPTE Distinguished Scholar in Pharmaceutical Processing

The National Institute of Pharmaceutical Technology and Education (NIPTE) has named  Dr.Raj Sury of University of Minnesota as this year’s Michael J. Pikal Distinguished Scholar.  See more at   This is a particularly meaningful award that is named for former CPPR Faculty and Leader, Michael J. Pikal.  Dr. Sury joins previous CPPR Faculty who received this award, Robin Bogner and Elizabeth Topp.  Read more at Congratulations to Dr. Raj Suryanarayanan (Sury), PhD — 2021 Michael J. Pikal NIPTE Distinguished Scholar in Pharmaceutical Processing – The National Institute for Pharmaceutical Technology & Education, Inc..

CPPR Student, Shipra Malik, wins UCONN 3MT Competition

Three of the 11 finalists in UConn’s 3-minute thesis competition were graduate students in Pharmaceutics Program.  This year’s winner, Shipra Malik, is a CPPR student from Dr. Raman Bahal’s lab. Click on to see Shipra’s winning video.  This is the second time a CPPR student has won the UConn 3MT competition.  In 2019, Koyel Sen of Bodhi Chaudhuri’s lab was the topper.